Reach your key audiences from the comfort of your office! Our general audiences include the C-suite, general counsel, business owners, institutional investors and their professional advisors

  • Professionally moderated to showcase speaker expertise

  • Announced to our listener database of 500K+ contacts via email 

  • Distributed via press releases, social media and speakers (optional)

  • Attracting 100-1000+ viewers, depending on topic

  • Recorded and available on demand in the Dealmaker Library 

  • Licensed to speakers for sharing and re-purposing

  • Watched and listened to by audiences nationally and cross-border

  • Available on any internet connected device, video and / or audio

  • Accessible via Apple and Google Apps

  • Produced in roundtable discussion or interview format


Jay Goffman, Co-Founder and Co-CEO Smith Goffman Partners
Cynthia Romano, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
Nicholas Rodriguez
Emmanuel Pressman, National Co-Chair, Osler
Jay Goffman, Co-Founder and Co-CEO Smith Goffman Partners

Over the past 40 plus years, I have had the opportunity to speak at many events.  I would put the Expert Webcast at the top of the list. The topics are always timely and on point. The speakers are all experts in their respective fields and tend to bring an interesting mix of expertise. And, most of all, the moderator - Alex Kasdan - does an incredible job of allowing all participants to speak their mind while still making it highly interactive. I not only enjoy speaking, I also tend to learn something new each time. I highly recommend the Expert Webcast.

Cynthia Romano, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting

I found Expert Webcast to be very enjoyable and of tremendous value. The program was well attended and I made connections with my fellow panelists, a big benefit to me, since I didn't know them prior to our program on Expert Webcast.

Nicholas Rodriguez

I regularly turn to Expert Webcast because it offers insightful and informative perspectives on timely topics from the leading and authoritative M&A, Private Equity, financial and legal experts and practitioners. 


Emmanuel Pressman, National Co-Chair, Osler

As a Speaker: Expert Webcast offered access to hundreds of private practitioners and corporate counsels across Canada and USA…The power of the Internet…and allowed me to engage and interact with very talented and experienced lawyers from overseas in private practice and private equity.

 As a Viewer: The private equity and financing sessions were terrific. Speakers were at the top of their game and knew the market.  Equally important, the volume of timely and topical sessions that are routinely offered is truly impressive.